Michelle's Photo Album!

New Pictures

These are just a few pictures from orientation and the west coast trip that I just got developed.

This is the only actual picture I was able to take in the rainforest and as you can see it's raining!

If you look at this picture really really close you'll notice four people sitting on the edge. That was a cliff we all climbed out onto. I'm the little red speck.

Here's some of the good friends that I have made: Back left: Ben, Keya, me, Ann, Jimmy, Fred.  Front left: Andy, Justin.

We just had this sudden urge to make a pyramid on Ocean Beach.  Standing in the back is Justin and that's Sarah kicking her foot up.  Me and Shawna are the top layer of the pyramid and Ben, Jimmy, and Andy make up the bottom level.

Cairns Orientation
Great Barrier Reef
Around Hobart
Hobart Con't
West Coast Trip
Weekend with Mom and Dad
Bushwalking Club
Extra Pictures
Great Ocean Road
Loch Ard Gorge

Slideshow ~ Australia Letters